Kind of complicated backstory, My(F33) mom(F64) convinced me to add my name to the townhouse lease when I was 18 (that's a whole other story). They had lived in the townhouse they were renting for over 20 years, so as you can imagine, the rent is cheap. I moved out in my early 20s and then last year my parents came into an inheritance and decided to purchase their big dream home. Since my name was still on the lease to the townhouse, I was able to take it over.

I don't have a good relationship with my parents, they are manipulative, entitled, and at times, abusive. BUT the rent in our city was crazy so we took over the townhouse because the low rent. The move and everything around the move was horrendous, I ended up having to take a month to pack up their townhouse because they just refused to get everything out. I then spent another two weeks cleaning…it was bad. Then came the demands for us to "store" their things which I refused. They had a home that had 3x the storage space, extra bedrooms and 3 living rooms….they had the room for the stuff they just didn't want to bother with it.

Cut to now, we have been in the townhouse for 9 months, after the rocky start, everything is in order EXCEPT for their mail, which we are still receiving. I have asked them multiple times to change their address with their banks and such, and thy insist they have…but we still get a ton of their mail every week. I am getting sick of trying to coordinate with them to pick up their mail. In all honesty I realize how small and insignificant this sounds, but it truly is about more then just mail, its about the years of entitlement and expectation that I will bend their their wants.

Would I be the idiot if I just start writing "return to sender". I feel like this may create a blow-up situation though.

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