Is your job what your childhood dream job was?

  1. No I was meant to be a veterinarian and now I work at Starbucks and have musician aspirations and creative endeavors

  2. Nope lol and it shouldn’t be. You dont know much about life or yourself or how the world works at that age and you shouldn’t, because thats what childhood is. When you do finally understand these things then you can decide what it is you’ll do for the rest of your life. If it ends up being what you wanted to be as a kid then that’s awesome

  3. No. But my hobby is.

    I found that turning something you love into a career burns you out on said activity.

  4. I’ll say yes, kind of. I was always into cooking/baking and wanted to be a chef. I am currently the Production Manager for a mostly scratch bakery.

  5. No, I wanted to be a race car driver. I’m currently a merchandiser for Nabisco but I’m also going to school for mass communications. I hope I can pursue a career in radio or something!

  6. No, I am actually doing a job that is made up of things I failed at as a kid. Writing and public speaking.

  7. No. Both my childhood dream and current job are unmentionable on reddit.

  8. Yes. I wanted to be a park ranger as a kid. I worked as a student doing maintenance in a provincial park for a few seasons (and absolutely loved it), then tried some other jobs for a while (which I didn’t love as much), and then got an offer to be a park warden which is where I am now.

  9. I wanted to be a radio DJ but I realized I have the charisma and social skillls of a cinder block. So I do maintenance and emergency repair on natural gas lines instead.

  10. Kind of. I wanted to be a paleontologist, but became a biologist. I still work with paleo folks though, and a few of my papers have a paleo angle to them.

  11. I always thought that garbage men were cool. Now that I’m a garbageman supervisor, I know it’s cool and yes little boys still come out of their house to watch the big cool trucks work.

  12. I wanted to be an archaeologist but got into mechanics and welding. I was an undertaker for a short while-does that count?

    btw-my ex was educated as archaeologist and did work in that field but it turned out far too unstable as a job and way too much “camping” to be enjoyable so she went into another field.

  13. As long as I remember I wanted to be a postman because when I grew up they had super cool satchels. I turned into a scientist/engineer/enterpraneur and I love the creativity of my job and supercool ideas that I get to play with. I don’t thin being a postie would have done it

  14. No, but I’m kinda working on it. I’m a fiber optic technician at the moment, aiming at understanding the world of telecommunications at its fullest. Living in the mountains, isolated and with a fixed, strict wireless connection, made the internet my core field of interest. Studying programming was not an option, finding extreme difficulties because of my short-term memory and the need to work for a living. So I’m starting from the ground, aiming to reach the top by checking all the steps I can make, aiming for what I think I may like more.

  15. Oh hell no. That’s why childhood dreams are called childhood dreams.

    As it turns out, there aren’t very many promising job openings in the rock star industry.

  16. Hahahahaha…… not unless they need to send construction managers to mars.

  17. Nah. I always wanted to be an archaeologist as a kid like Dr. Grant from Jurassic Park and work at dinosaur dig sites. Even though I’m not doing that, I still think it would be cool to visit one up in Montana or anywhere else sometime and see what it’s all about

  18. Kind of. I never had just ONE dream job when I was a kid, they sort of evolved as I got older. Ultimately, as a teenager, I wanted to join the military, which I did, and I am happy I did. But while in the military, I started out as a construction equipment operator, which is something I wanted to do when I was like 5, cause the big machines looked fun. I thought it would be like playing in a life-sized sandbox (not in the way that term is used for being deployed to the Middle East, just in general) and it kind of was! I enjoyed it but it was not terribly intellectually stimulating, so I only did that for a short time.

  19. Absolutely not. I have responsibilities and a wife and in-laws to impress. I’m in the same soul crushing hell as 90% of men in my social class.

  20. I had two childhood dream jobs.

    My first was palentologist, because I was the nerdy kid with the biggest collection of plastic diosaurs on the block.

    Second was painting lines on the road. And if my historical documents are an indicator, I would accomplish this by driving a full-sized 18-wheel rig with a paint brush tied to the back of the trailer.

  21. I wanted to be a film-maker. I now work in insurance

    So that’ll be a No then

  22. Kind of… When I was a kid I liked to tear down toys and old electronic devices to try to figure out how they worked.

    I never realized until I was 23 that there was a career path for that. Now I’m in a technical job repairing and tearing down things , while also studying an engineering, so I understand how things work.

    It wasnt my dream job because I never thought of that as a job.

  23. Honestly? Yeah, pretty close.

    I saw the movie “Hackers” when I was like 8 and thought that they were the coolest thing on the entire planet and that’s what I wanted to be when I grew up.

    I’m now a network security engineer. There’s far fewer trenchcoats and rollerblades and none of my coworkers look like Angelina Jolie, but outside of that it’s pretty cool.

  24. Wanted to be an archeologist or a writer. Am now deputy principal and a part time writer. Have always been obsessed with reading so I find it very rewarding to now be paid to review books. Teaching/school leadership is more of a way to pay bills.

  25. I wanted to be the school janitor when I was a kid.

    That cart with everything you could ever need on it was dope!

  26. Oh, no! When I was young I wanted to be a marine biologist. I was never smart enough for that. I’ve drifted from job to job over the years and am now a care worker.

  27. No but there’s not much employment in “being a dinosaur” these days.

  28. Nope, wanted to be a dentist, now i’m about to start grad school for machine learning and AI

  29. Ha. Nope.

    When I was a child I wanted to be a Pastor or Cowboy.

    Now I’m an analyst for a government department.

    I create some joy and passion in my job – but most of my life fulfilment comes from external things.

  30. No because I never wanted a job. I wanted to never grow up. Unfortunately, that means I had to get a decent paying job to pay for all my musical hobbies and nerd shit. So I work in a factory, making decent money so I can live my life to the fullest outside of it.

  31. Close but no cigar, always wanted to work on/drive racecars and well, i’m stuck fixing people’s grocery getters.

    Not quite the high triple digit horsepower, turbo’d out cars that get slung around corners at over 150kph i was hoping to fix but at least it keeps the bills paid.

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