What is a name you heard that made you think, “I want to name my kid that”?

  1. I really like the name Aurora. Problem is I have an issue pronouncing some words with R’s so it doesn’t come out right when I say it 🙁

  2. Ivy, it’s such a pretty name but a girl I grew up with named her daughter that so now I can’t 😭

  3. Óscar or Héctor for a boy (accents because Spanish is my first language). Dinora or Agnes for a girl.

    They just sound like strong people.

  4. Sarayah

    I don’t know what it is about the name but I’m absolutely in love with it

  5. Ethan (from the kid on thirtysomething) or Cameron (from Ferris Bueller’s day off)

  6. Ethan (from the kid on thirtysomething) or Cameron (from Ferris Bueller’s day off)

  7. Farrah. I LOVE that name and wanted so badly to name our daughter that…unfortunately hubby hated it.

  8. I absolutely love the name Cecily, but if I marry my current SO (I want to!) I couldn’t use it because it pretty much rhymes with his last name lol.

    I also love the name Zelda, ever since I started reading about The Fitzgeralds, but I think it’s too unusual, and people would probably be like “Oh like the video game?”

  9. I’m never having kids but I always had kids names I wished I could have used. Eleanor 💜 and Lillian.

  10. Victoria was one I wanted for my daughter. My sister begged me not to use it because she wanted to name.a future daughter that name. My daughter ended up with an equally long first name and a long second name. While her brother got a short first middle name. She hated having to spell out Gabriella in kindergarten, they didn’t let her start using “Ella” on her paperwork u told 1st grade. But, nobody in the family calls her Gabriella or Ella. She goes by “bells, squirrel, princess, or girly girl” lol

  11. I love the name Damien/Damian. I don’t associate it with what a lot of people do because it conjures up a different image for me.. I think it’s very lyrical. (I am also a fan of Damien Rice, but it’s not solely due to that).. I used to rarely hear it and now I seem to hear it all the same. Probably because I’m more aware of it lol.

  12. Nikola for either gender, it’s the name of a genius and sounds so beautiful.

  13. Julian. I was watching Big Daddy and really liked the name. Husband actually said he likes it too (he has a J name so it would ring well with his last name). Though we don’t have kids yet, that’s become a definite.

    Can’t wait until he’s potty trained so I can say “I wipe my own ass!”

  14. If I have a kid/kids, I have names picked out. Girls names are a bit harder for me because I have always wanted to be a boy mom but I know it doesn’t usually work like that.

    If I had a boy: Julian Phillip, Harrison Everett. I also like the name Tex, which I just considered recently.

    If I had a girl: Charlotte Jean (Charlie for short).

  15. I don’t entirely know if I want kids, but if something happens and I end up having one, I’d definitely choose “Christina Isabella [last name]” for a girl and “Zechariah Isaiah [last name]” for a boy.

    Reasonings for “Christina Isabella”: Christina is the name of one of my favorite singers, Christina Grimmie. I’ve always loved the name to begin with because it had Christ in it, but seeing the way Christina Grimmie passed, I dunno, I’d love to name my daughter named after her. Christina has been a huge inspiration to me since I was super small. As for the Isabella part, I’m a big Twilight nut, and Bella is the main character in the movie, but her full name is Isabella. Thought it was beautiful, so I put two and two together! Christina Isabella!

    Reasonings for “Zechariah Isaiah”: Zechariah was a prophet in the Bible and prophesied about Jesus to others. He was a righteous person too. As for Isaiah, again, he was another prophet in the Bible who predicted the coming of Jesus Christ and helped people know about him. I also have a step-brother named Isaiah and thought it was cool if I added it, lol.

    Didn’t mean to shove religion down anyone’s throats! Sorry if I did, I just love these names 🙂

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