I absolutely do not like this about myself. I tend to mimic the personality and conversation style of whoever I am talking to. I know it stems from anxiety and overthinking. It’s so ingrained in me I don’t know how to stop because I don’t even know who I am, myself. How do I go about changing this?

  1. It’s not uncommon. It is said that we are the sum of the 5 people we are the closest to (that’s why people say to be careful who you surround yourself with). We are social creatures so it is our way of seeking acceptance from other individuals. By mimicking we say: “Hey look, we’re the same!”.

    So it is perfectly normal to want to look for your individuality.
    I’d suggest making a list with words/phrases you want to get rid of and actively try not to say them anymore.
    Some time alone, far from those people will also help. Take some time to meditate, read, write and try to fond your own persona. Good luck!

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