Hello everyone so my husband 38/m and myself 35/f have been married 7 years. We went thru addiction together, thru prison sentences, fidelity on both sides and have still managed to never want to be without one another. But lately it's gotten rough, REAL ROUGH! We've always told each other if we had an issue to talk about it. I've tried numerous times and get the same kind of response! ANGRY, CRUEL, AND STRAIGHT DEGRADING.

This is what I texted him:::::
Babe, I love you. And I'm sure you notice the shift between us change. You say your happy, ish sometimes. You say you want me, and this. But I guess I'm having a hard time pretending like everything is OK between us. Yes on the surface it is. But really the core and beneath it all its not. You sleep in bedroom, I sleep on couch. I've begged you to hold me, kiss me, flirt with me ANY KIND OF ATTENTION! I'm not feeling great, not sexy, confident, worthy or even like i matter to you. PLEASE AT SOME POINT YOUR GOING TO NEED TO TALK TO ME ABOUT IT. Ehat i need to do to make u appreciate me and love me, show me something or it's going to keep pulling us apart. So when is a good time to just sit and talk, like when we went to the river, or we just drove around and our opinions and feelings mattered to one another!!

His response:::::

Your ducking jokeing rite it's always something I don't think you are capable of live without drama, What am I losing (wife) a happy home a wife that won't stop with her feelings, or emotions GROW UP LIFE IS NOT A FAIRY TALE HAPPY ENDING. Be happy ive stuck around this long your not the best person either but go ahead and go find someone else and cheat again so you'll stay out of my hair and way

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