TLDR: he said he’d be okay with getting a sugar daddy. His reasoning is since he is my first body and he has been with many people in the past, he would be okay with me sleeping with other men for money.

My (19f) boyfriend (21m) suggested he was okay with me doing sex work for money.
l like him too much and have known him too long to think rationally.

we’ve been together for 3 years, we met when I was 16 and he was 17. we dont live together tho. i’ve been “selling pics” (ones i got online, mostly ripping weirdos off) on diff websites for years, since i was 11 and stopped mostly after we started dating and we used to do it together for fun to make money. (weird i know, i was very young too.) Ive never been against sex work and would actually consider it if the money was right, but not while i’m in a relationship.

earlier he was upset about money and brought up how someone we know from high school has a sugar daddy and always posts new things and we started talking about if i did it. and that if he was a girl he would do it, and it’s so much easier than physical manual labor.

he then started saying how he feels bad for me because he has slept with many people in the past (13 previous partners, but who knows…) and i lost my virginity to him. i was shocked and asked some things and his response was pretty much “i won’t see you any differently, and i wouldn’t bring it up in arguments, i just feel like you should if you want to and to make some money and help pay my car payment off” idk how to feel about this. kind of weirded out, kind of considering it, but i’m also worrying about what does this say about him??? is this some kind of guilt thing or a trap or am i secretly being pimped out and strung along? firstish red flag i’ve seen, other than some anger issues (yells at his mom…gets snappy with me) when he gets bad hours or a really bad job at work that day (blue collar) . i reread this and see how crazy this all looks.

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