Recently, I've tried to work on my (terribly poor) social skills. I've been approaching people at random – men, woman, young and old with the intent of just have a brief two minute conversation. For example, I walk up to a guy, and ask him about his tattoos, or his watch, or I ask a cashier whether she's ever tried this item and explain how good it is.

To be honest, my social skills have improved. I learned I have a rather odd appearance and a sort of angry default expression so people initially had ignored me a lot, but as I slowly became more comfortable with smiling in public and improving my tonality I have actually begun to have small conversations.

The problem is, I really struggle with body language (smiling, eye contact). I've improved a lot just practicing smiling in my car on my commute or in my mirror by myself alone, but somehow when I get into a social interaction its like my anxiety just shoots through the roof and I can't hold my smile anymore and I just feel like a fish out of water.

I've probably in fact spoken to 30 random new people in the past week alone, and some conversations literally lasted for 10 minutes to an hour, but I just am standing there feeling so uncomfortable that its basically like me trying to act my way through basic social norms and I'm just worried about screwing up.

Basically, I'm wondering how I can stay calm and comfortable in social interactions? Please don't give general advice like "don't care about what others think" as my whole goal is getting people to like me to improve my career prospects and social life.

Thank you!

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