How has deleting social media changing your life for the better?

  1. I did it for a month once … It’s refreshing and good but later i felt bored

  2. Absolutely! It was rough at first but it’s a great way to put a spot light on your habits, patterns, numbing, comparing, lack of hobbies, lack of growth, etc. & see how much it has a hold on you. Tbf, some people aren’t ready to face those issues & prefer the distractions

  3. I’ve deleted my Facebook app and I’m using Reddit more but social media as a whole, less

  4. Did it for a while, and wish I didn’t, missed out on invites to events, important pictures that were shared, birthdays that slipped my mind

    Ended up going back after a few weeks and just being careful on who I add lol

  5. i only have reddit and messenger apps on my phone (and some mobile games) but as a gen Z, growing up with unrestricted internet access has definitely taken its toll on my mental health. i suffer from an anxiety disorder and it’s ALWAYS been triggered by social media, by the expectations that people have on there. i always compared myself to women online and i used to have terrible relationship anxiety due to instagram. like all the posts “if he loves you he’ll do…” “here’s how you know you really love your partner…”. they made me absolutely crazy!

    i got into a relationship with a social media free guy and he motivated me to uninstall instagram and everything else. i did it because i wanted to appeal to him at first. then i downloaded it again, and after a week i saw for myself how useless and harmful it is. i have less anxiety now. i’m happier. i find more joy in the present and i’m glad to be alive. i don’t compare myself and i am definitely anti social media.

    i believe social media is a trashy depiction of reality. the harm it’s caused me and countless other people is unmeasurable, and i’m much better off without it mentally!

  6. Reddit and tellonym are the only “social” media that I use. I was never really into insta or FB. It was always kind of creepy for me.

  7. Removing social media hasn’t made my life any better, and it’s clear that modern society can’t function without it. By deleting social media, I miss important friends’ birthdays and invitations to events. Whenever you wake up and are bombarded with social media messages, I think a lot of features are unnecessary, we can live a convenient and simple life, and limit the excessive interference of social media in our lives. I recently tried to change my social media to a simpler app and Tinder to *LightUp: Make Real Friends*. I just want to document my life and share my feelings with others when appropriate. I don’t want to participate in a Tinder slide game and get nothing. It is a simple design app, when you publish your idea, AI will match you with people with similar ideas and experiences, just like the echo in the valley is full of surprises, can be searched in the app store.

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