I wanna start by saying that my boyfriend 25M and I, 22F have been together for 2 years. We met through a mutual friend and we hit it off. I am currently a full time teacher and I work part time as a nurse. He recently got his first job at a really fancy and prestigious hotel doing stone work and sculpting for them.

When we met I was in my final year of nursing school and he wasn't doing anything but was thinking about going to college to study HVAC installation. Long story short, I encouraged him and he started and completed his program in 2 years. During those 2 years I fully funded the relationship. From his tuition, food, clothes, rent, it was all me. I wasn't in debt from university because my tuition and everything I needed was funded by my dad (I love that man!). So when I got my big girl job all of my money was mine and I made a lot of stupid decisions at the start.

I bought hime everything, several pairs of birkenstocks, Nike shoes, fancy clothes, a iphone, everything. I also funded our lifestyle and paid for dates (that I planned). He is my first boyfriend and I truly love him but this year it's like my eyes just opened.

He started working 1 month ago and his salary is ~$3500 after tax. As a teacher I make less than that but nursing part-time allows me not to stress about money. We have been arguing constantly about how he puts no effort into the relationship. He doesn't plan dates, he doesn't cook, he doesn't clean, the only thing I see him do often is the laundry.

I'm fed up, and the last straw that broke the camel's back was he got paid and I'm expecting this extraordinary spoiling since I held us down for 2 years and this guy looks at me, hands me a $100 bill and says, "oh baby we also need eggs".


I am so pissed off. He also made a big argument about how he left $5 in his pockets and how I stole from him…. I took the $5 bill because it's a $5 bill.

I Spent $2700 on him last month doing detal work because he had no insurance and this man literally said I was stealing from him because I took his $5.

I'm over it, I want out, I want him out of my house and out of my life.

So my question is, i feel like it's time to move on. Or am I crazy?

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