I work with some aggressive women, all in their 20s. The two most aggressive constantly say they are going to beat people up, usually men. Today one said that I was going to get beaten up (kind of playfully), and I said by who? And she said "by me I'm fiesty" or crazy or something like that. These two are not like really in shape women, both have a decent amount of fat on them. Could probably hold their own against other women. I always thought it was a joke but tonight I was thinking, I really think they think they could beat me up lol. I'm not exactly a big guy by any means, but I am athletic. I'm about 5'8 and 170, I work out 5 days a week running and lifting weights, and I have boxing training. What is this all about do you guys think? Obviously I am not going to fight them because I don't want to hit a woman, and I really don't have anything against them, but I feel like they have no idea how easily I could knock them out with one right to the jaw.

Oh and at the end of the shift she asked me to carry her garbage out because it was too heavy 😑

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