My partner and I got engaged last year and after many months of procrastination, we finally have a wedding date. We are still early in the process and haven't signed anything that holds us to a specific date, but we have told family and close friends.

Today my mom messaged me informing me that her sister, Anne, cannot attend my wedding because the daughter of one of Anne's friends is getting married a few days prior. Attending both is not an option as my wedding is in the US and the friend is having a destination wedding in Europe.

My mom knew about the other wedding, but didn't ask Anne for the specific date. She was with me when I met with the venue and the wedding planner where we set this date. It was not until after we started booking everything that she messaged me saying Anne and her family would not be attending and asked if I would consider changing the date. She called me and was crying about how much she wanted her sister there.

On one hand, it wouldn't be the most difficult thing in the world to change the date. On the other hand, she does this all the time. Waiting until after decisions have been made to say anything. I also don't feel great about moving my date to accommodate someone who has already made it clear my wedding isn't their priority.

I'm indifferent about Anne's presence at my wedding. Of course I want her to be there, but if she feel's like her friend's daughter's wedding is more important than mine, I am fine with that. I am only conflicted because my mom. I know she'll be sad that her sister isn't there.

What do I do?

TL/DR: Mom wants me to change my wedding date so that her sister can attend

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