We met at a park where I was jogging to pass the time. We had a situationship before that lasted for almost two weeks. I ended it because I knew it wouldn't work out and he was leaving. I didn't want to stay in that situation because I wasn't really into him. However, he insisted that we stay friends. Initially, I didn't agree, but later I thought it might be okay and went along with it.

But day by day, he kept disturbing my life in ways I didn't like. So, one time, I ghosted him because I felt it would be better for me if we had no connection. I restricted him on Messenger and Instagram, but I noticed he messaged me on Instagram. I don't want to reply because I value my peace, but my conscience says he might need closure since I ghosted him suddenly.

What do you think? Is it okay to message him and explain that I don't want any connection with him for his clarity, or is it better to just not contact him again?

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