Hey, 7 years ago my brother raised a knife at me and said (one of us gonna die ,Me or you) until this moment i keep thinking what the hall on earth did i deserve this to happen i was 13 , he leave far away from me but i still can't accept him , and my heart still hurt , how i can handle this?

1 comment
  1. That depends.

    First of all, it is still an elemental betrayal and I would strongly recommend that, if possible, you get some professional mental health support. The pain of a person who should be loving you unconditionally, threatening your life instead is not just going to go away without help.

    The question is, gas he changed. Because kids can be assholes. Some outgrow it some don’t.

    If he is in the “don’t” and you are an adult, you can choose to go no contact. I have done that with my narcissist sister. It is painful, but it is the only way to protect myself.

    If you are still living at home, do everything you can to never be alone in the house with him.

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