Today was the last day of school before summer break and my best friend (ex, I guess) decided that it was the perfect time to tell me she wanted to distance herself from me.

Something you should know: I have suffered from an easting disorder for years but have pretty much recovered by now.

Her reasoning for this was that whenever she spent time with me, she ended up feeling bad about her body. However (!) she claims that I do and say nothing that triggers her. It's simply my… Existing (?) in the same space as her.

We go to a pretty small school, so my entire grade is made up of 21 people, which are decided into two groups. I've noticed that we've spent less and less time with each other and I was always the one inniciating contact. But I just assumed it was because we were in different groups.

We decided to not see each other over summer break and then see how she's feeling. How should I react to this? I just feel betrayed. We've been best friends for six years and out of all people she wants to distance herself from, it's me. And she claims it's nothing I've done or said.

Edit: It's a few days ago now and we haven't seen each other since. I haven't told any of our other friends and I'm not sure if I should, because I don't want to have a she-said-she-said-situation. I feel betrayed, especially because I opened up to her about my social insecurities literally three days earlier.

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