For context we met at a wedding and were introduced by mutual friends and from there we hit it off. We have been together for over 3 years. Our relationship was perfect the first year but from there it only went downhill. Our relationship has been a bit rocky lately. My fiancé has been getting mad at me over small things like a video game and each time when he gets mad at me I argue back and I am ashamed that I have sometimes called him a word over this because I hate when he starts arguments like this. So last week it had gotten really bad and he told me that no one would ever want me and that I’m lucky that he is willing to put up with me and my arguments. Even though he’s the one that started the arguments.

When I asked him today about what he said, he told me to stop bringing up the past and to forget it and asked why I was still fixated on that and couldn’t just let it go. I literally told him that it was last week and we never addressed it and all he said was you know I’m always blunt with you and tell you the truth.

He used to get mad at me when I told small white lies but I completely stopped that. He on the other hand lied about his occupation for 2 years and I had no idea but like the naive person I am, I let it go and forgave him. I don’t know what to do anymore and I usually try keeping everything inside me but with all this wedding stress/expenses and on top of these relationship issues I’m experiencing I’m not sure what to do and it’s really taken a toll on my mental health. What do you guys think I should do in this scenario?

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