I don’t know where to start but basically ever since I gotten married to my best friend two months ago she has been very distant. We have an apartment together and I built everything in it to make her feel at home and special. We are right on the beach and it’s pretty affordable to us (875 each). The first sign was her not wanting to sign the certificate to make our marriage legal. She then canceled our honeymoon trip to Japan that took me a year to plan and I lost a good chunk of change due to late cancellation (she canceled the day before). After that she started to stay at her parents house more and I started to see her once a week.

As weeks went on I wouldn’t even see her and would voice my sadness of being alone and wished to be with her. She would apologize and say she’s not mentally right. She would assure her love for me but wouldn’t make much of an effort to see me or commit to plans I tried to do with her. Her parents only live 40 minutes away too. I waited 6 years to propose to her and everything was normal but since we gotten married she stopped really trying and blaming work or her being in a mental funk. I tried to ask her if she dosent love me or want to be with me (she says she does) i then ask her why is she doing this and she says she’s just sad all the time. She says she will go get help but never does. Her parents arent really saying much to her about going to be with her husband and not staying there (they enable her and don’t want her to grow up). We are fighting now more than ever because I keep pleading with her to be with me as husband and wife and I’ll be her shoulder to lean on, she just apologizes and says she’ll change or fix it (it never happens and then I get mad).

She always tries to talk to me via phone, Snapchat, etc but I tell her it’s not fair if she’s not really trying to see me in person. I didn’t sign up for a digital relationship. She also canceled a bunch of other plans we had like going to Charleston my family arranged (I paid for her plane ticket) and she bailed last minute. My parents did everything for her and now she barely sees them which saddens them greatly. My dad personally texted her about him wanting her to go to his bday party, she came early to give present but didn’t stay for party. I texted her dad a very heartfelt message about this all and he didn’t even answer me. It almost feels like she’s self sabotaging this 7 and a half year relationship for no reason. She never gives a straight answer and it’s been over two months of me being alone every night. What should I do?

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