I tried dating last year and went on 2 dates, both of them ghosted me after.
As dumb as it may have been, I didn’t tell anybody I was going on those dates. I didn’t even tell my only friend. I just grew up in a strict household where dating wasn’t allowed or even expected of me.
I’m almost 30 and still wouldn’t be able to tell my parents if I’m talking to someone or going on a date. It was just never normal to date and still isn’t. At least it’s not my normal.
I’ve done my best to break generational patterns and heal any childhood trauma, but dating just seems so out of this world for me. At this time, I don’t want to pursue dating. I tried it because I felt a little behind. I don’t even have social media (like insta, tiktok, or FB). But yeah, wanted to tell somebody about the date attempt. Thanks for reading 💛

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