I 22M am getting so tired of having sex with my girlfriend 22F. I love my girlfriend so much but I don’t know what it is. So for context she was a virgin when we met and was waiting for marriage so we didn’t have sex until about 5 months in so I guess the infatuation stage or honeymoon stage of whatever was starting to fade so maybe it was that. But also because she was a virgin and was raised by extremely Christian parents she learned that sex was a bad thing so it was hard to get it moving. At first it wouldn’t even go in and all the other times after that it has just been very so-so. She has never came and I get off by getting girls off so that is also something that is really hard for me. Idk I just think my mind has correlated these bad experiences with her and now I don’t want to do it. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and I am so in love with her so I just need to get over this so I can enjoy this with her. Please any advice would be great.

Edit: I also just want to say that this girl is perfect in every way. Nothing about her turns me off I think it’s just my mind sex has been more work than fun.

Edit: Everyone who is saying I probably pressured her I never said anything about sex. Since the beginning we were doing sexual things and I was perfectly fine with that. She was the one who brought it up and said she wanted to lose it.

Update: Guys I’m not going to talk to her about it because she loves having sex it’s just me who doesn’t and I don’t want to put that on her. I need advice on how to change how I correlate sex with work.

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