19F, barely feel like an adult. I feel like such a poser, just a 15 year old on the inside.

I have a job but I am only scraping the surface doing the absolute bare minimum to get through the day. I lack that drive and motivation to advance further, my job is built on a certificate in tertiary education. I do not have a degree nor do I study at university.

I feel like I’m not qualified to be doing what I’m doing, I’m among one of the youngest and I’m dumb and impulsive with my pay check. My money goes to frivolous items and partying (sometimes drvgs), whereas other people are investing and spending on holidays. My whole outlook is short term and immature, I cannot see far into the future. Not sure if I want to either, because the future just seems daunting and foggy due to my immaturity.

I don’t have the brain capacity or desire to learn about investing money, or owning a business and just feel so behind. Everyone else is thriving in their social lives and jobs, climbing the corporate ladder and what not. I’m over here 7k in debt because I wanted a sports car at 19. On a casual job earning $700 a week, just to be spent on speeding fines and paying people back. I feel like I’m drowning and just want to go back to childhood, I’m really struggling. Plus depression and ADHD is really helpful in this predicament.

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