Okay, so I (m 17) was in a relationship with my ex gf since I was 14, I‘m nearly 18 now. We broke up a month ago because we both changed so much in the last few years (we basically started dating before we hit peak puberty) and it was becoming more and more evident that we didn’t fit together anymore. Because the problems that led to the breakup started a few months ago and I was the one that lost interest more, I‘m now ready for something and someone new (not necessarily a long relationship).

Its important to know that my ex and I didnt go to the same school, and since we started dating so early, in my school I was the guy with the girlfriend. Everybody knew I was in a long lasting relationship and not the kind of guy to start something with.

In my math class was a girl, lets call her Amy. We sat next to each other even though we hardly knew each other, and over the year we got along really well. We had the same friends we met with regularly and I was invited to her birthday party. Around the time we met and started becoming friends (maybe 1,5 years ago), I had a crush on her. She has this nose piercing that is just so hot. Anyways, I was still together with my ex at that time and of course let the crush fade because I didnt wanna be unfaithful.

Now, I am single again and as I said, ready to meet someone again. And so, I have a crush on Amy again. We just finished school and got our A-Levels. We always have a big final party/ball, and on that night, she came up to me to do shots and spend time together. Of course I enjoyed that very much.

But here is the problem: she doesnt know im single. Between the last exams and the ball is a month or two without school. In that time, I broke up with my ex but because we didnt have school, where the information could have spread, nobody except for my close friends know about the breakup.

Now my question: How do I let Amy know that Im single without making it obvious Im interested in her. I want her to realize that im single now herself, so that maybe she becomes interested in me. As I said, in school everybody knew I was taken so nobody acutally got interested in me.

tl;dr: A girl Im interested in believes Im in a relationship even though Im not. How do I let her know without making it obvious Im interested in her?

Sorry for making this so long, I needed to get that of my chest.

Thanks in advance!

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