What’s the most wholesome thing your partner ever did for you that turned you on?

  1. My wife was EXTREMELY loving and supportive when I gave birth. Next level. She was incredible. She was so wonderful to me she did more to relieve the pain of it than the meds did. For hours and hours. She was wonderful.

    It was the sexist thing she’s ever done. I obviously wasn’t “in the mood” while giving birth but I have never been more attracted to her and now, whenever I think that connection that we had while I was in labour and how safe, loved and calm I felt. You BET I’m turned on.

    The best sex I’ve had in my entire life has all happened after giving birth to my son and I 100% think it’s because something flicked over in my brain that day.

  2. In college, we were sitting on the floor talking one day and a fly buzzed by and he swatted at it. Out of instinct for something flying near my face, I recoiled. He IMMEDIATELY withdrew with this horrified look on his face and (because he believed I had recoiled because I thought he would hit me) started tripping over himself to apologize, he backed up as to give me space and was overall the sexiest, sweetest man I’d seen, bein’ all deferential as hell to me.

    In September, we hit 13 years together. He’s the sweetest, most lawful good guy I know.

  3. He offered to split the cost of my regular Brazilian waxing because he figured I was getting waxed more regularly now that we’re dating.

  4. We were sitting on my bed and I was talking to him. He had eye contact with me the entire time and then reached to hold my hands. I know he listens when I talk to him but I’ve never had anyone show such intense listening that it made me feel at that very moment, I was the only thing on his mind. Kinda like being under the spotlight lol

  5. After sex me and my boyfriend had found the condom had slipped off, I went into complete panick mode crying and having a panic attack because I had never been in this situation and was worried I was going to be pregnant. He went down staires made a cup of tea to calm my nerves and settle me back down, googled where to go for the plan B pill, cuddled me in his arms stroking my hair till I had fell asleep even woke up in his arms the next day. He had set out a plan the next day for me and where to go to. Not gonna lie ladies I have found myself a good man

  6. It’s hard to say. He treats me like a queen. If it rains, he drops me off at the door and meets me inside. Today, he spent the day tearing out my kitchen ceiling and putting up studs and drywall. Then he took all my trash out and swept my porch. Hugged my dog. Kissed and hugged me. And told me he would see me tomorrow. 😌

  7. Rub my tummy when I have cramps and pet my head 🥺 I have a strange LG kink 😭

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