Who or what inspires you?

  1. My grandmother. You know, growing up I never once heard her complain of being tired. I’m a mom now and I say often, “idk how she did it 🥺”

  2. I have a friend who is a farmer and works on his land. He’s hard working, responsible, and a genuinely nice person. He’s got a great outlook on life. He’s a great listener. I’m lucky to have a friend like him.

  3. My kids and wanting to do better than my parents did and give them a good life inspires me.

  4. Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton. When she became a widow after Burr killed her husband, she still did what she could to make this country better. Starting with creating the first private orphanage in New York City. Just comes to show that you can be successful at any age and without any social barriers.

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