I've been with my girlfriend for awhile now and love her very much. We've really never had any major issues in the relationship, we've gotten in two fights over literally the dumbest things ever and we resolved it in 20min and were back to normal. We're talking about moving in together and an engagement soon. We both see this as a forever relationship and are working towards that.

One thing that has been bothering me though is her mother. I haven't been the biggest fan of her mom since I met her to be honest. She's superficial and shallow (luckily it doesn't rub off on my girlfriend) and always has an attitude around me.

Some things she's done:

  • Called my girlfriend's friends losers because she doesn't think they have good enough jobs

  • Is constantly talking about other people's salaries and what degrees they have and basing her opinion of them off that. I went to college and make over $100K, so I'm doing fine, but it feels like I'm always under a microscope of my career abilities with her.

  • She always calls my girlfriend when she knows we're together to talk about literally nothing, and will keep her on the phone for 20+ minutes while I just sit there.

  • She's always taking shots at me about how much food I eat. Yeah, Iike to eat. But I'm in decent shape, I'm 5'8 and weigh 170lbs. Sure I could use to lose 10lbs but I'm by no means extremely unhealthy.

  • The event that prompted this post: So my girlfriend lives with her mom currently but is moving out soon into her own house. Recently my girlfriend went on a two week vacation and I haven't seen her since she left and we barely talked while she was away. When she returned I went over to their house to see my girlfriend and hang out. I got their after work, we talked for a little bit then we went in the pool. Her mom came out and swam with us for 30min. Then I went to pick up dinner for all of us and we ate together. After dinner my girlfriend and I cleaned up while her mom was on the phone. After that, I had some work I needed to finish and had to log back on, and my girlfriend wanted to shower. So we both went upstairs and while she showered I worked. After she was done she came in the room and we just layed there and talked for about 1.5 hours. We haven't seen each other in two weeks and wanted to just have some time together.

Well her mom was PISSED we never came back downstairs with her. She came upstairs yelling at my girlfriend accusing us of being up here having sex, being pissed off she was downstairs by herself, and just overall treating my girlfriend like a toddler. She literally said she was going to bed and it was time for us to go to bed, we weren't allowed to go downstairs and hang out in the living room. It was 10pm.

I told my girlfriend just keep the peace, don't fight with her, she's moving out in less than a week. But I'm honestly really tired of her mom and don't want to be around her anymore.

I know when my girlfriend moves out I'll naturally see her less, but I still think I'll see her more than I'd like. My girlfriend says they're close even though her mom is always on her ass.

I dont know if I talk to my girlfriend about how I feel about her mom or if I should keep my mouth shut and just try to find excuses to avoid her mom?

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