I 24F have been with my husband 24M since we were 19. 5 years total and we have been married almost 2 years now. We struggled to get pregnant due to my body having issues. We both decided this is what we wanted. We knew up front about my issues so we wanted to get a start on kids early Incase we needed IVF or something. So fast forward to now. My husband is going to be a great father I know he’s excited for our daughter, but he is letting our marriage slip away. He hasn’t told me I’m beautiful one time since becoming pregnant. I am 6 months pregnant and showing now. I am insecure and always have been now even more so since my belly is so large. I’ve tried dressing up and I still get no compliments from him. I’ve only gained 4 pounds so it’s not like I have put on excessive weight or something. I have asked him before why he never compliments me and he said it’s because I always say I don’t believe him when he says it so there is no point in telling me. Three weeks ago he took me to dinner with two of his single friends and the two friends talk about women they thought were hot the entire time. Is there anything I can do to make my husband find me attractive?

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