I’m not a confrontational person, I am at best avoidant of conflict. I also am a yappy person.

I live in a high rise apartment and last night, when I called the elevator, it was packed with a bunch of drunk people who are around the same age as me (mid 20s). There was barely room in it but I am small so I went in.

They were having multiple conversations simultaneously so I figured it was alright to make small talk. I was curious where the group was going so I asked, “Where y’all going out tonight?” To that, this man looked down at me and said, “We’re going to…yeeahhh.” He said that with such an obnoxious vocal fry.

That made me feel so disrespected. Why is he too good to reveal that kind of information to a woman in sweatpants? I am unaware of what indicates that I am a social threat to him or his friends.

So then the elevator opens on the floor above the lobby, and stays open because another drunk guy is leaning on the buttons. One of the girls asked why we were not moving. So I said “Maybe if your friend stopped leaning on the door…buttons.” (I stuttered and meant to say buttons first.) And the other dude was like “Sorry I’m thick.” I just quickly glared at all of them until we got into the lobby where my boyfriend was waiting for me.

I feel that I could have been more confrontational in that moment. These insufferable people don’t deserve to feel they have a social upper hand over me in an elevator because they are in a large group of “friends”.

They seem like they live to humiliate each other when they go out like most other insufferable rich people. However, I cannot stand people who think they are too good for small talk.

When I started writing down this post, I was going to ask what I could do differently, but actually I am not the socially awkward one in this. I needed to let out my frustration from this encounter.

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