What makes a woman to be considered a great conversationalist in any setting? Business, social, romantic

  1. Same thing that makes anyone one.

    Have something original to say based on a reasoned/nuanced understanding of some thing.

  2. Conversation is meant to have opinions shared by everyone involved. Hell, even if you don’t have any original ideas or hot takes on anything, you should be able to elaborate on your opinions with some level of understanding on the topic. And if you don’t understand the topic but you still have an opinion, it’s okay to change your opinion. There’s always too many people that will resort to doubling down on their ideas because they’re afraid to be wrong.

    Nobody wants to speak to a wall. It’s stressful and difficult to engage with a wall. So a person that is capable of listening, as well as opening themselves up to others is going to find a lot of success in developing relationships.

  3. If she can switch between being funny, seductive, serious, professional and intellectually stimulating in her conversations while still being herself then she’s set.
    Of course not everyone can be everything which is fine but don’t just solely be one thing. For instance I know some women who can only ever be funny while conversing or somehow turn everything sexual or are always talking about thought provoking topics. In a friend group that usually works as you all bounce off eachother and when you’re tired talking with one friend you just invite another friend into the conversation or start talking to a different friend. In a relationship you can’t just start to talking to another woman. This goes for guys too as it has to work both ways.

    I might have gone on a slight tangent and possibly may have misinterpreted your question; apologies if I have.

  4. In any setting? Nothing. Having something intelligent to say in most settings? Check!

    Be well read, well informed, and speak with the confidence that comes with being well informed.

    When your not well informed, keep your damned mouth shut. Just like anyone.

  5. Good listener, entertaining, Ok intelligence…..

    It’s fine if somebody is not that bright, not dumb but not necessarily a genius either, as long as they listen and they are entertaining to listen to.

  6. Curiousity and knowledge coupled with genuine interest and enough language to avoid clichés and jargon.

    Also applies to non-women

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