Hello everyone this is kind of a rant with my frustration tonight. May delete later on.

So I'm 24 and have been ok with myself. I graduated and found a job, I'm still living with my parents to save up for a home, have a few friends and have started doing a social activity. I am still trying to improve myself physically, mentally, and emotionally.

The frustration or stress I'm having right now is that I've never been in a relationship at all!

Most of my friends are currently in a relationship and when they bring their partners to gathering, which is alot, im always a 3rd or 5th or 7th wheel. Their partners are very very nice and I really like to see my friends with them, but when I think too deeply about things like relationship, I gets so so stressed out! In my head the voice is saying "it'll be harder to find someone when you're older~you'll be lonely forever~" even my parents, who never wanted me to date until just a year ago, are asking when I would have a spouse and a family.

I've tried dating apps and learned that it's hard for me to make a relationship online. I've tried going to meetup but haven't made connections. I am currently doing a social activity which i am enjoying but do not see myself finding someone in the class at the moment.

Right now im telling myself to be patient and my time will come, to not get into a relationship just because everyone else around you has one, and to focus on myself . But on the other hand I am thinking, what if it doesn't come, what do i do then? What will I be doing in 5-10+ years? Will people find something wrong with a person with no experience?

This is just a little stress rant but in times when you're alone with thought of loneliness, how can I cope and get this stress out of my head?

Additionally, I have seen post like the one im about to post before but I just wanted to see nee perspective if there is any.

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