If there was a parallel universe you could go to, what would you want it to be like?

  1. Preferably some type of Skyrim-esque, high fantasy where I can be a Wood Elf, tame a dragon, and have magical powers.

  2. One where technological advances are much, MUCH slower, if they even exist at all (apart from the lightbulb, cars, indoor heat and plumbing). Basically the things that really make life easier, while living without the things that we don’t necessarily need and the things that have not done much but make the human race snobbier.

  3. I mostly just want my brain to be normal. The rest I could deal with.

  4. A parallel universe where I’m a witch but keeping it on the down low while I make the best coffee known to man.

  5. One where there is peace between people, and peace with animals. I would want it to free from animal and human exploitation, and I would want it to be completely plant based eating with no second thoughts arguments or excuses from anyone!

  6. I would for sure go into the universe of Sarah J Maas, preferably in ACOTAR world. And fingers crossed I’d be in the Night Court’s Inner Circle somehow. 👀

  7. Just not the dystopian capitalist patriarchal hellscape that we live in now. Sometime more like Star Trek would be fuckin’ super.

  8. A universe where there are puppies, kittens and horses everywhere and I can spend all of my time playing with them and enjoying their company.

    Oh, and there’s a gourmet chef who follows me everywhere and cooks great meals for me every day.

  9. I’d wanna not have to pretend to be religious. Be able to style my hair and go out with a sundress with no sleeves. Or wear a bikini at the beach. A girl can dream.

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