My fiance and I got into a really bad argument last night. His mental health has not been good recently and he got know sleep the night before. He was really at a breaking point.

He also had put this emotional wall up and I felt like I couldn't get through to him. The sweet kind caring man I've loved for two years. So I kept trying to touch him to hold him to get through to him last night. And he kept pushing me away and telling me to get away and I should have listened but I didn't.

He grabbed my neck with both hands a I couldn't breath while he pushed me backwards into the room. It was very quick. Maybe 3 seconds.

I got really scared and called the cops and they told me I needed to spend the night somewhere else.

He's incredibly apologetic and says he has no clue what came over him and that I am the love of his life. He was crying and I think it was genuinely over hurting me.

Is 3 seconds really bad enough to breakup the otherwise best relationship of my life?

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