Met this guy on the apps, had two dates just for drinks, and enjoyed my time with him. We made out a little after the second, no big deal. We didn’t have a third date planned and we didn’t really text that much. I did a “question of the day” text just to show interest and get to know him more playfully. He responded with what I perceived as sexual comments then proceeded to ask if I wanted to “hangout” at his place sometime during the week knowing I don’t get home from work until 8:00ish.

I stated I wasn’t comfortable with that, yet… then… crickets for hours….

I followed up saying we may be looking for different things and I’m offended that he even brought up sex after only two dates. He denied talking about sex. For context I asked “what non essential item would you bring if stranded on an island”. He said if he were with me he would want something sexy because we might as well have a good time.

His denial made me even more upset instead of apologizing and then said by date 3 people are typically comfortable to visit. I firmly told him “hanging out” at his place is not a date. His response was “agree to disagree”. He didn’t offer to cook, do some sort of activity, etc… just no effort “hangout”.

PS this guy also identifies as a “good guy” eye roll

AITA or overreact or does it seem like he was gaslighting me?

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