My ex-fiancee cheated on me twice – first by drunkenly making out with a common girl friend and second for texting his ex-GF behind my back for a month one month into our engagement. I usually am not a publicly reactive person but after the second betrayal man oh man was i FUMING. I felt stupid to give him a second chance the first time and getting lied to by him TWICE. So I posted 3 cryptic messages on my close friends story on IG about this.

The thing is – the close friends list only consisted of HIS family. Mostly because I just wanted them to know what he did and partly because I was mad. So of course they saw the post. Now they are mad at me for even posting it and announcing it to everyone, cause they didn't know it was a post directed at them only. Now they are mad at me and even unfriended me on facebook and instagram. Now it's making me think, even if I had posted it to my close friends list with my close friends on the actual list — is it wrong of me to do so? Cause personally I don't think i did anything wrong IF i did do that, I wasnt lying and I wasnt the one who cheated.

Before you comment – why bother- I do care because they treated me nicely and I considered them my actual family already. I just wanted to have a good relationship with them. Now, was I wrong?

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