I decided to start having casual sex with an acquaintance/friend and it was fun at the start we would talk/cuddle between rounds, watch movies together and text when we left each other obviously there was no romantic feelings on either side and we both knew so it was perfect.

Then as we started to have sex more often, I noticed his lack of care which started to make me feel some type of way. His only text would be ‘hello are you coming over tonight?’ and after he’d cum his energy would be so weird it’s like he wouldn’t want me there anymore after he came. & going days without talking to me to just say ‘are you coming tonight?’ after days of not a word. He wouldn’t even hug me before I left.

Basically all the little nice gestures/ friendship things had stopped.

I don’t know how to explain how I feel about this or whether to open up the conversation on why this is, he would definitely find it awkward as we don’t know each other that well to start expressing feelings and he doesn’t necessarily have to give me so much attention and we were never the best of friends before but the fun I used to feel has just gone and it’s turned into a feeling I can’t name, I always turn down his invitation to come over now.

Do I have too much of an expectation from him?

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