What is the lowest form of cheating?

  1. Hmm I’ll say online chats that don’t lead to anything. Is it still cheating? absolutely but imo lowest form

  2. Flirting with other people online

    A lot of people will try to justify it by saying “It’s just text/online, it’s not cheating!”

    Yes, yes it is fucking cheating.

  3. The ones where they fuck another woman because their wife isn’t putting out anymore because she JUST GAVE BIRTH.

  4. Id say liking a particular person’s photos on a regular basis – if you’re interested in them, you’re trying to get their attention by doing that.

  5. Blaming it on your partner.

    “But they’re never there” or “they’re not good in bed”
    Whatever just break up w them.

  6. Lowest as in scummy?
    Cheating on the wedding day.

    Lowest as in smallest infraction?
    Sexting or sending nudes.

    That’s the boundaries for “cheating ” as in, it’s over gtfo.

  7. When you got both your wife (or gf) and mistress pregnant. That’s messed up.

  8. i would say the lowest form of cheating would have to be cheating on your partner with on of their friends/siblings. it not only ruins a persons trust in their significant other but also damages all of their friendships/sibling-ships(lol)

  9. There is no “least cheating” you either are cheating or you’re not

  10. my friend’s ex cheated on her with her sister, for me that was the lowest point

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