I 20F I’m in a relationship with my boyfriend 20M since 5 years. At the start of the relationship he was happy but he slowly became more and more sad, we talked about it and he said that I don’t do a lot of things anymore, I give him less attentions, I was “chasing” him more and the fact that now I don’t do it anymore is making him feel strange about it, but I can’t do those things anymore, not because I can’t or I don’t want to or anything that could repel me from doing those things: in fact I’d love for him to feel happy in the relationship but I don’t know why I can’t do these things, I’d love to do them but I don’t know why I’m not doing them anymore, it doesn’t come so naturally but I don’t know why… because I want to do them and I can… I can’t comprehend my behaviour about this issue, can someone help me? I want my relationship to work again. Can someone explain why I’m doing this?
Thanks to everyone that will try to help me in some way

TLDR = I don’t do things that I did in the past that my boyfriend loved but I can and want to do them but I don’t know why it doesn’t come to me naturally or that I just don’t do them even if I want to

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