2 years ago i started engaging in a FWB situation with someone i was previously with before. it was the first time we did anything in a while so we were getting used to things. we were giving each other head and while they were using their hand they were gripping tighter than they needed too and did not make it as wet as it needed to be. for whatever reason my brain did not make this connection in the moment and let it keep happening. this has resulted in a white patch of skin on the left side of my penis, maybe about an inch long in size and is only on the shaft. at the time i obviously should’ve abstained from all contact but being a dumb 20 year old i still engaged with this person (with a lighter grip and more wetness). its taken me till recently to do all i can to not touch myself for both the health of my penis and mind. i’ve never been a serious masturbator either but the white spot is still there, and i’d say it’s slightly less sensitive then the side of my shaft is. is there anything i can do? am i bound to have this spot forever? hello is greatly appreciated.

1 comment
  1. Did you guys have sex? I could be two things- one, if it’s kind of dry and whatnot, is a callous – but, I would think that would go away with moisturizing (coconut oil is great) and not further exacerbating it.

    Whenever I hear “white patch on penis,” or any other flat patch of different-looking skin, my head also goes to HPV, which often shows up as just flat, different textured or slightly whiter patches on the penis (ie: the HPV of sexual concern very rarely shows up accompanied with a wart-like presentation.)

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