I 22f have never been in a relationship and have only kissed 1 person. I’ve talked to a lot of people, but I’ve only actually been interested or caught up on 4 guys since 16. First one was in love w their ex so I had to cut that off for my own well being. The second guy lived too far away and I just don’t think we were compatible bc we were both shy. The last guy I ruined that myself bc I was talking to two people and chose the wrong one and realized it too late and now there’s the guy I’m talking to currently. We’ve been out on a couple dates but it’s been a week since we last went out. He initiated the first two dates but I hasn’t asked me on another. The response times between texts are getting further apart and I’ve tried to build the confidence to ask him when he’s free but I have zero confidence in myself. Idk if he’s waiting for me to ask or what? But now I’ve got it in my head that he’s no longer interested even tho we still chat everyday. Idk what to do?

1 comment
  1. Thank you for sharing your story ! You have the right to express your needs. Don’t be afraid to ask. If he really doesn’t want it he’ll tell you and you can move on

    One of the requirement in a relationship is that the needs of each person should be met. Without that resentment will build through time and hurt everyone

    Sometimes people stay in dangerous or toxic relationships because they are afraid of losing the other person. Better safe than sorry

    You can establish a few communication protocols to make sure you don’t get confused in the future. You can establish the timing, frequency and content type of your communications to know what’s okay and/or expected to do. You don’t have to make it too formal but that can help

    All the best for your relation !

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