Fear of being cheated on by my (24M) pregnant girlfriend (20F) How to stop ruminating?

Hello! I've been cheated on in my past relationships which ive created some sort of mechanism that im always fearing ill get cheated on. Well my girlfriend has been acting super weird lately. She has past when she dated multiple men at once, but this is her first serious relationship.

She always wants to make sure i feel good, she wants to tell always where she is, sending pictrures etc. She also goes therapy because she is traumatized by her past because she says she isn't hookup type of girl which causes her to feel guilty about doing what she did in past.

Well for the problems in our relationship.

She is pregnant so i understand changes at her hormones etc. (Sorry for bad english) but she has started to make huge arguments or start pointless fights when she goes out. She only goes out alone to take dog for a walk (15-40min usually and she always wants to send me pictures about dog etc) but today she again started huge fight and rushed through the door. After she came back i tried to make a move and rub her so she told me "ouch, im too sore" or "it hurts a little bit". This is second time she is sore after coming from walk with dog. Also she doesnt have sexdrive at all because she feels so guilty about past so being dry can be reason, also we were in shower.

But she is doing some very weird things, starting fights, wanting to go out alone and threating me with breakup if i dont let her. (I do let her, but she always says "IM GONNA GO FOR A WALK AND IF I CANT I TAKE A BREAKUP" which is very uncommon her to do. She used to be type of girl she bring me everywhere, she always wanted to do everything together. After getting pregnant she starts fights for no reason, threats me with breakup multiple times a day. Also we moved like 3 months ago and she has been acting super weird since. She hid herself from one man in groceries store because "was too much anxiety around other men because of her sexual history being so hurtful/guilty" also having more time alone which is fine for me im not controlling but she cant usually tell why or where. Just for a walk? Then she suddenly wants to shave which is weird cause i asked only that why suddenly? And reason is because she wants to do it for the last time before baby borns. Ok i guess?

Also she acting super weird like looking sad when she comes from outside or sometimes super happy. Pregnancy can be reason for that emotional rollercoaster.

Well i guess its your time fellow redditors to help me out and give your opinios.

I went through her phone like 5 times already and found nothing (I have permission for that so no reason to attack me)

All i want is that she will not destroy our family and take my child away from me or let her child live without his dad/mom.

TL;DR: my pregnant wife is showing signs of cheating or im super paranoid. Im scared our family will be destroyed by her actions.

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