I only noticed I do this today, and its been a lifelong habit for me and im not even sure why. I accidentally caught myself in the middle of it and I realised ive done this for as long as i can remember, and i want to learn how to better myself and stop doing it. Ive gotten into so many meaningless arguments and then i even eventually get annoyed by the other person myself. I just disagree on about everything someone says no matter how stupid it is and its just become my instinct to immeadiately say something different. I even tend to argue and prove things that I dont even believe myself just for the sake of it and I just speak bullshit most of the time and try to be right above everything else. How can i stop this urge and notice when im doing it? I cant believe I never saw this in myself before and I just had a shocking realization today that its not just occassional but I do it whenever I get the chance, now I really want to change for the better. I bet with the amount of random points I make and argue for ive contradicted myself over a billion times throughout my life and I dont even believe what im saying, it just comes out and I cant stop

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