How does it impact you if your SO comes home drunk or tipsy? Do you mind?

  1. If he went out to the bar with his buddies on a Friday night (not something he does often) and got an Uber home I’d have a shitty frozen pizza in the oven for him and a bottle of water on the nightstand. It wouldn’t be a problem at all and I’d be happy if he had a good time.

    If it was a weeknight and he drove himself home after vanishing for several hours then we’d have a major problem.

  2. I don’t mind as long as he doesn’t have a drinking problem. I think having a life outside of the relationship is important. If that includes going out with his buddies every once in a while and getting drunk, I’m okay with that.

  3. With my current partner no real issue, he is a happy drunk and He doesn’t drink to stupid levels. Worst I have to deal with is him trying to catch the cats (so he can put them on the bed with me). If I’m awake he’s just very chatty for a little while then goes to sleep. He only comes home like this every now and again when he’s been at a celebration or catches up with his HS friends every three months or so. So I don’t mind.

    My ex was an alcoholic and a mean drunk. He would yell at me if I was asleep. Yell at me if I was awake. Would vomit up wherever and leave it there. Put food in the oven and pass out. Always make a mess in the bathroom. And on a few oh so delightful occasions piss or shit himself wherever he passed out. So with him .. I minded a lot.

  4. Were they driving? If so, then we are going to have a problem.

    Is showing up drunk a regular occurrence? If so, then we are going to have a problem.

    If they were not driving and were out at an event where drinking was acceptable and anticipated and are a bit tipsy, then that’s fine. No impact.

    If they are falling down drunk and someone has to deliver their drunk ass to me, we are having a real talk once they sober up.

  5. As long as he gives me a heads up first, and didn’t drive himself home I will not mind at all

  6. Ive had a fwb show up high, that ruined the mood and afterwards we stopped seeing each other

  7. It’s triggering for me and makes me uncomfortable so Ik he tries to act as sober as possible. He’s super lovey as a drunk and just wants to hold me rly.

    But the smell of beer and being on me sends me straight into panic mode

  8. As long as she gets a ride or takes a Uber that’s fine

    But I’d be super pissed if she drove drunk

  9. Did they get dropped off (they didn’t drunk drive) and is it a reasonable hour (not coming home at 3a)? We’re not young anymore, so the all nighters is not a thing for either one of us. But if they want to go out with friends and they’re being safe and they come home to our bed, what bad could I say about it?

  10. I get more upset if he drives home drunk or tipsy. I’ll be honest, there’s one time he came home drunk, very drunk and I was annoyed. He had asked me to pace myself and not get drunk since we had separate plans during the day but were having a mutual get together later on that night. Well he came home absolutely slammed. My issue is/was more why not equality? If he expects me to not get slammed, why did he?

  11. Depends on the person. My husband is a happy drunk. The worst thing that happens when he drinks is the kids talk him into stupid shit.

    I, on the other hand, am a recovering alcoholic. That’s a different issue, and no one likes me when I’m drunk (and rightfully so).

  12. I married someone who doesn’t drink cause I’m actually deeply afraid of drunken men.

  13. I hate it when they’re sloppy drunk with booze on their breath.

    Just a little handsy from being tipsy on wine or whiskey? I’ll fwt

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