Here in Portugal we call them "Betos" and we associate them with having non-portuguese surnames like Burnay, Holtreman and other English and French surnames and having "Maria" after their first name (examples: Zé Maria, Salvador Maria)

We also associate them with certain careers like comedian, architect, actor and banking.

They are also associated with cities like Tróia, Vilamoura and Comporta.

They are also known for going to nightclubs at the beach and rooftops.

And the list goes on…

  1. Primary and secondary education at eton / boarding schools

    Go to Oxford or Cambridge

    Participating in Polo / Skiing / Sailing / Hunting / Equestrian sports in general

    Pretend they’re not rich

    Have archaic or twee first names

    Family has a ‘house’ in the country

    Having aristocratic / nobility connections

  2. Rigth now I live in Portugal, but I am originally from Venezuela, rich Kids there we call them “sifrinos” and they allways have an iPhone and a particular accent, for example they allways use the expretion “o sea”

  3. Belgium:

    • Have a vacation appartment or house at the Belgian coast, preferably Knokke-Heist maybe Nieuwpoort.

    •Guys wear Ralph Lauren, Sebago boat shoes or loafers

    •Usually have a swimming pool

    •French sounding surnames

    •Practice sports like golf, tennis, hockey, skiing

    •Travel at least twice a year, one skiing and one beach vacation

    •Buy bottles of Grey Goose or Dom Perignon at the night clubs

    •Definitely don’t work weekends or vacations

  4. >They are also associated with cities like Tróia, Vilamoura and Comporta.

    I’ve always associated them more with Cascais and Ericeira and those places than as holiday spots, but I’ve never been to those places you mentioned so I don’t know.

    Also, I’m surprised you failed to mention talking to their parents or kids in 3rd person which is probably the most notorious characteristic.

  5. Turkey: Family close to the ruling party, dad owns a construction company, wearing dress trousers that are slightly too short and dress shoes with no-show socks, driving his obnoxious luxury car to smoke hookah at an overrated cafe.

  6. Ireland:

    – Play schools rugby (not rugby at a non school club – rugby itself isn’t posh, but schools rugby generally is, many rugby playing schools are private)

    – Have sailing bags when they don’t actively sail

    – Majority have English/Non-irish surnames (Not all, but the majority do. Many wealthy sailing towns in Cork county have land historically owned by protestant families)

    – 2 vacations a year, one is always skiing in winter. Summer is either Portugal or Greece.

    – Work in finance, social media influencing, real estate, law.

    – Wear a gilet

    This is an incomplete list, but you get the gist.

  7. Austria: uhm. do they drugs? dunno, I’m blind about that, haven’t seen them doing something in particularly.

  8. Netherlands:

    – They get cucumber on their cheese sandwich
    – They don’t reuse their teabags
    – They get new clothes instead of hand-me-downs

  9. Poland: if you have money because your parents are rich and you don’t really know into life they you’re called a Banan

  10. Denmark:
    – German surnames (nobility) or other last names that don’t end in -sen (Danish last names).
    – Private school.
    – Having cabriolet cars.
    – Expensive designer bags.
    – I have heard there is a lot of drugs in those circles.
    – Often living in the coastal areas north of Copenhagen, known as “the whisky belt”.

    I don’t really know what else, richness isn’t that hyped here.

  11. The Netherlands:

    Almost always a second house. Sometimes third in Southern Europe.


    Stereotypically from Wassenaar/’t Gooi/Oud-Zuid/Heuvelrug etc etc. but nowadays they could also be kids from expats or are Shell-babies

    Hockey/Tennis/Golf/Whatever sport is hyped up recently, not Football.


    Uses Surinamese and/or street slang/words with a posh accent, don’t realise they sound absolutely ridiculous.

    Abbreviate **EVERYTHING**

    In big cities they ride in BIROs.

    ‘The housing crisis is “annoying” but not disastrous.’ Seriously, often don’t realise how good they have it.

    Polos every summer

    Suspiciously often Frisian first names.

    **I FORGOT**
    Never weed: that’s for plebs.

    At the very least its *Sos* (cocaine).

  12. They go to some expensive private school usually having something like British/American and International in the name where each year the tution costs like 2 average yearly wages (they go there for about 15 years- kindergarten to highschool) .

    If the daddy has earned his money some shady way is not that unusual (or wasn´t unusual not that long time ago) that a driver/bodyguard, usually a former cop or soldier in something like a Mercedes GLS takes them there.

    Girls often have a horse, guys usually have some expensive hobby (can be anything not only something like yachting or golf, I have seen a miniature figures collection worth like 20-30k or airsoft equipment worth similar money as my car, my brother´s friend used to go to all national football team´s away matches whether it was in Prague or in Johannesburg).

    After the graduation they go to some foreign college/university usually in the UK, something like LSE or University of Edinburgh.

  13. Slovenia:

    Double surnames

    Flat in the city

    Usually an artist of some sort dressing and acting like an alternative kid, but child/grandchild of doctors, architects, old socialist party leaders and people of prominent position in Yugoslavia

    Tennis lessons, jazz ballet, piano, violin, horse riding throughout childhood

    Well-travelled already from the pre-Ryanair days

    Studied abroad and not just erasmus

  14. Ireland

    Depends on the level of rich. We have a few levels.

    Well off/doing well for themselves and don’t have Notions : Not much different to your average Irish person and generally has a legal job at 16 and most likely worked for years before hand. People generally don’t know they have money. Their parents generally worked very hard all their lives for the money they have, so they respect money but also know what it’s like to live without it.

    Obviously rich/has Notions : Parents buy them a new iPhone every year, generally have the newest console, and wear expensive clothes. Just have weird things normal people wouldn’t and generally don’t work unless the parents make them. And will get a physically easier job like waitering (the boys, I mean) as they were not reared with work, so they are very soft and not physically strong at all. Generally, they’re very lazy, too. But they’re willing to work

    Fuck off level rich/ serious Notions : Generally live in massive fuck off houses in the posh parts of Dublin or may be Dublins who live in Meath or Kildare. Have a completely different way of talking that sounds more of the posh parts of England than Irish. Most likely, the family own holiday homes in the West of Ireland or Wild Atlantic Way region or in the Gaeltacht (but often don’t speak the language) and “Go back West” every Summer but generally look down on the people of the West like their inhuman. Often, they get taken on many holidays a year by their parents. These kids rarely work a day in their lives.

    (Not shitying on lads in the service industry, it is hard in its own right. I’m just saying the richer kids generally don’t do more physical labour, which is more typical of most Irish lads, which are construction, agriculture, mechanics, or generally tradework in some form, because they’re soft)

  15. you forgot:

    – supporting sporting
    – treating family members by the 3rd person
    – beije pants
    – bimba e lola bags
    – long ass names with the surnames vasconcelos de sousa e melo

  16. They go to the school of Versló, wear bow ties and act horrendously smug around everyone.

    They also insist of using Z even though we haven’t used it for generations 😄

  17. I am not Finnish or German, but:

    Finland: hires a boat, throws furniture in the sea, records for TikTok

    Germany: goes to an island, sings xenophobic songs, records for social media

  18. Posh English names are one of my favourite topics; Tarquin, Percy, Monty, Giles, Barnaby, Piers, Bartholomew, Tabitha, Araminta, Cressida. It’s pretty rare you run into people with names like these unless you run in certain circles but I do find them hilarious.

    There’s generally two types;

    The first will usually deny being rich and will ‘cosplay’ as a poor person; smoking roll up cigarettes, wearing certain items of jewellery that are typically associated with the working class (girls only), complain about being poor even though their parents can send them endless amounts of money and wear ‘sports’ brands clothing. They often lean left wing politically (won’t hate on them for that) even though technically they would probably benefit more from have our conservative government in power instead of ‘left wing’ labour. They attend certain universities (Bristol, Durham, Oxford etc) and usually study subjects such as history of art, English literature and politics. They also will usually say ‘yah’ instead of yes/yeah. They take a year out between finishing high school and university, go travelling and call it a ‘gap yah’. They often travel through Asia (almost always through India), South America or they go help to build an African orphanage or some shit.

    The second type are just shamelessly posh; politically right wing, think poor people are poor by choice (at their worst), head to toe clothing brands like Barbour and Ralph Lauren, the men have a penchant for brightly coloured corduroy trousers for some bizarre reason. I have less experience with them because they tend not to mix with those who are not ‘of their own kind’. They tend to either inherit a title/land or do the same job as one of their parents, who get them it mostly through contacts. Infinitely more insufferable than the other type imo. Often called ‘hooray Henry’s/Henrietta’s’ as a rude nickname.

    Obviously I’ve really stereotyped with these, and there are lots of posh people who aren’t like that. There’s also lots of not posh people who might fulfil some of the stereotypes (I myself love a good Barbour jacket, they’re expensive but a good investment).

    Oh yeah, and they all go to private schools.

  19. Finland:

    Of swedish descent

    Study business in university, invest student loans

    Family owns a boat

    Also a nice vacation home probably in a place where everyone speaks swedish

    Travel a lot, might end up moving abroad to pay less taxes

  20. Bulgaria:

    – always go out with friends instead of playing outside or at home to save money

    – go to an “elite” school, but are too dumb to pass the entry exams, so are allowed to enter due to “poverty”

    – get drunk, hit somebody with their car, then go out due to “lack of evidence”

    – are either socially inept and dorky or shave their head and act like a gangster that grew up on the street

    – go skiing every winter

    – study abroad and come back a new person with a chill laid-back attitude pretending to be spiritual and woke

    – get hired in their dad’s company (bought with money stolen at the end of socialism) at a leadership role at 25, fail consistently, but keep getting another chance

  21. Italy:

    -Studying in some private universities like Bocconi, Cattolica or Humanitas, San Raffaele.
    -Dad and Mom are engineer or MD, or daddy has a small factory where workers are paid peanuts and taxes are fantasy.
    -Sport-line SUVs like AMG line, Mline and so on, or event real sport SUVs.
    -Fancy designer clothes
    -Aperitif in the city center with the SUV parked on the sidewalk.

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