I am 26, almost all my friends have good jobs , they earn good and some are even married. on the other hand, I am stuck in a dead end job with low pay, I am trying to get out of this situation, I have been trying to transition my career and have been giving lot of interviews but I get filtered out in the first round itself every time. this month I have given almost 7-8 interviews. I can't sleep at night thinking about my future, I think I'll never progress in my life and will always be stuck where I am right now. when I compare myself with other people my age, I feel so bad about myself. it's been along time since I have felt genuine joy, I am always sad and anxious about my future. sometimes I just feel like giving up , but my parents are dependent on me. on some nights I just think to myself ,It would be better if I don't wake up the next day

1 comment
  1. You’re 26, you have plenty of time to turn it around, the world is full of plenty of examples of “late bloomers” , the best thing for you to do right now is to outline exactly what you want in terms of job, in terms of relationship and do the work to get there, it’s not easy and you’ll be playing a little catch up but sometimes you got to take the stairs to get to the top of the penthouse it’s all about taking a step at a time.

    Feel free to share if you want in terms of how your parents are dependent on you, but if you’re feeling like this, I guarantee they don’t want that for you

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