So I had a baby two months ago, I’m 15 pounds heavier than before baby. However, I’m still comfortable with how I look most days. I work out 4 times a week and I don’t mind what I see in the mirror so my weight has never been a touchy topic to me. I do believe I still have some work to do to get to where I want to be don’t get me wrong. I bring it up to my husband with ease and don’t mind his input, obviously within reason. I’m really not “over weight”

I eat what I want, mostly healthy bc I like feeling good but I’m not afraid to indulge at all so I have a fairly healthy relationship with that kind of stuff.

Anyways, my husband and I were laying in bed last night and I was telling him how my belly is flabbier with this kid than the first. He started to say how he didn’t think it was , and he goes don’t get mad that I’m saying this but the only thing I see is just a little extra water weight still. And I just brushed it off bc I did bring it up , so it didn’t seem like his input was that out of left field. But Ngl, thinking about it the next day, this kind of seemed like an asshole thing to say. Inputs? Husbands and wives. I want honesty from my husband, even if it’s not something I want to hear. And it’s not like he was being a jerk about it or anything. Idk? What do you guys think? Should I be pissed? Lol

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