I have met a few people recently that have many TV streaming services (Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, Apple TV+, etc). I am subscribed to only Netflix, and regularly use BBC iPlayer too (yes, I pay for the license). For five months over the winter I had Apple TV+ too, free from my credit card provider. I watched a few things, but I didn’t feel like paying for it after the free period.

I’m a tad surprised that I have met a few people that have many, mostly so it’s all (or mostly all) there, but finding content to stream immediately can either be easy or difficult (as there’s so much available).

Also, if you do subscribe to many, do you see these as possible ‘easy costs to cut’, or are you currently into TV series on all of them (so cutting them out will be difficult)?

Edit: I forgot to mention YouTube too. I watch a lot on YouTube, but I’m a YouTube Premium subscriber (for music streaming mostly, but the ad-free YouTube experience is great).

Another Edit: interesting hearing all the different combos, plus a couple of new services I hadn’t heard of before. Cheers all.

  1. I pirate everything. Everything. And if I like a particular show/movie/whatever, I support it on an individual basis by buying the box sets or merch.

  2. I’ve got Amazon Prime (but I also use other prime services) and Netflix.

    Recently cancelled Now Entertainment and Cinema (I got the 2 as a package) – for Now I’ve tended to subscribe for a bit, then cancel, then re-subscribe later.

    I’m thinking about cancelling Netflix and trying Disney+ for a bit.

    I think there is a bit of an issue that the more streaming you have, the more picky you get with what you want to watch, so you end up thinking “there’s nothing I want to see” when actually you’re just literally spoiled for choice

  3. None. After realising it cost me an arm and leg to have them all I went down the IPTV route

  4. I currently have Netflix, Amazon Prime, Now and Apple TV.

    Both Now and Apple TV are on offer (one pound a month for the Entertainment package for the former and nine months free for the latter as a PSN subscriber). I’ve put my cancellation request in for Netflix as I don’t use it enough to justify the cost – especially as it’s just gone up again. I have previously has the likes of Disney+ on offer.

    I use the other services that Amazon Prime gets you fairly heavily so I’ll keep that but from now on it’s going to be a case of subscribing to a service for a month when there’s a complete season of something I want to watch – unless I can get a great offer – then binging my way through various shows then cancelling again.

    I could go sailing on the high seas for shit but simply can’t be bothered putting the effort in – hence why I finally abandoned **Star Trek Discovery** before season four started as Paramount pulled it off Netflix internationally.

    The current market fragmentation and cost model with every rights holder and their dog trying to gouge that sweet, sweet subscriber money isn’t sustainable long term and there is going to have to be consolidation but as to who will come out on top? Fuck knows. But I’d punt Apple, Amazon and Disney being the last people standing in the long run.

  5. Mots people I know have several subscriptions …Netflix, Amazon Prime, plus a hefty tv/bb package with Disney and sports and whatever. I only have Netflix but that’s a financial thing rather than choice.

  6. Netflix because I watch it a lot. Prime because I pay for it already for the free deliveries. Disney Plus for the kids.

  7. Thanks! Just reminded me to cancel the Disney subscription! Just Prime and Netflix now and primes mainly for delivery fees.

  8. Netflix, Prime, NOW TV, BT Sport, and a couple for my football club and to watch otherwise untelevised snooker. Costs too much and I still can’t watch the game if it’s on at 3pm on Saturday. I don’t watch enough TV to make it worthwhile and when I’ve finished watching the only series I still care about, it’s cancellation time. Maybe the license fee too, and go completely TV-less.

  9. Just Prime at the moment, previously had Netflix, Disney, NowTV Sports, Mubi, Criterion during lockdowns and whatnot. Realised I don’t need them at all. I probably wouldn’t bother with Prime if it wasn’t for free one-day delivery. Some stuff gets pirated, I’ll pick up the odd DVD/Bluray if I spot something in a chazza.

  10. I used to have Netflix, Now TV and Prime. Don’t have anything now, I just pirate instead. Got 4TB of TV shows, films from the 1920s onwards and all my favourite cartoons

    Only problem is now I’m a digital hoarder

  11. Netflix and Amazon Prime.

    We did have Disney+ for a while not long after the UK launch as my wife got six months free with her new phone contract renewal but we barely used it beyond the initial novelty of old childhood stuff like Ducktales.

  12. I’ve got Prime – mainly for the next-day delivery – and Netflix. Disney+ just now too as the deal through Clubcard was very nice. Once that stops, I’ll ditch it. I could probably live without Netflix, and just get it for the one or two months a year they drop a series I care about.

  13. I’ve been making a point of rotating streaming services, that is – to only have one streaming services active per month and switch based on what’s showing up on the others.

    It was fine when it was just Netflix costing ~£10, but now you can easily pay 3-4 times that for what’s effectively the same thing now that the market has both separated and (especially in the case of Disney – how they haven’t been investigated for monopolistic practices is beyond me) IP used to prevent shows from appearing on other streaming services.

  14. YouTube Premium and Amazon Prime. Recently cancelled Netflix until the new season of Better Call Saul is bingeable.

  15. I have netflix, amazon prime and disney plus. I don’t like pirating shows. Too much faff, and I like to rewatch older shows where it’s hard to pirate episodes.

    But then again, I earn enough that I don’t really mind paying for the convenience of my one hobby

  16. I have Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, Crunchyroll and F1TV Pro. That gets me pretty much everything I want. If it’s not on them then I will pirate it.

  17. Disney+, Netflix, Amazon Prime. Might cancel Netflix for a bit. Don’t use it much. Prime comes with all the rest of the Prime benefits (Music and free delivery) and I’m enjoying a lot of the Disney originals.

  18. I only subscribe to Netflix, I think most people who subscribe to multiple have Prime for the delivery and then share accounts with friends for the other ones ie one person get’s netflix, another gets Disney+ and they share the accounts.

    Personally I only keep Netflix as I’ve got it for cheap via Turkey and it’s a pain to cancel and sign up again, if I was paying the regul;ar price I’d only subscribe for a couple months a year.

  19. We have prime (cheaper by paying for a year, and as much for next day deliveries etc as for video),
    Disney (cheaper by paying per year),
    and Apple TV (part of a bundle with Apple Music, Arcade, and extra cloud storage)

    We currently have Netflix as there are things we want to watch right now, but we will cancel it for a month or however long regularly when we are running low of things to watch.

    Do the same with Now tv, and are currently not paying for it – I often get offers for ‘3 months for £1 a month’ and will wait for things like that to catch up with anything I want to watch

    We also use free services like iPlayer and all4.

    If our money got really tight, we would obviously cancel the monthly things and not renew the yearly things, but at the moment we can afford what we have and watch things regulary

  20. Netflix, Prime, Disney+, Now TV and Discovery+.

    Disney I’ve got free for a year from O2. Now TV mainly used for sport though I share the login with family so have entertainment and movies too.

  21. Yes, Disney+, Amazon Prime and Arrow Player (well, that’s more of a movie streaming service).

    I just cancelled Netflix but that’s a subject that’s been done to death lately.

  22. I have student prime which gives me 12 months britbox for £3 a month for a year so after going through what’s on offer I signed up for that.

    Had a 6 month half price deal on now entertainment, tried to cancel, got anything 6 month half price deal, so that’s another one.

    Got Netflix but might cancel as we never watch it and it’s doubling the price.

    I’ve had IPTV packages in the past but they were always going tits up. There’s a group on GitHub that maintains an IPTV playlist of all the open source channels so we’ve got that loaded up.

    Mostly though it’s YouTube and pirated stuff. We’ve got a couple of auto torrenting programs to deal with movies and TV shows.

    I’m totally spaced on cocodamol because of a bad tooth so you can ask about our setup but I can’t guarantee I’ll make sense.

  23. Dumped Netflix for Disney. Have Prime too. Luckily I live near the sea, which gives me more options.

  24. Prime. Starz and Now TV. – Entertainment and Movies for the latter.

    I pirate all of the football.

  25. I have Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime.

    Prime I get for £2.99 a month on a grandfathered Student rate, despite never being a student but I did work in a college so had a .ac.uk address.

    Disney+ is always on offer, there’s always deals like 6 months for £15 etc. Or free trials

    And Netflix is just worth it.

  26. We have Netflix with our sky TV package, and use sky TV a fair amount as well as Netflix. Had Amazon prime to watch Pickard (and have it for a month at the moment but only because I wanted the free delivery and prime TV is an added bonus). We have Disney+ because there is stuff I want to watch on it and it’s handy for the children as well, lots of films they really enjoy (we’ve subscribed for a year because it’s cheaper overall)

  27. We have Prime, Netflix, Disney+, and a BBC license (although I barely watch anything apart from the news). With three teenagers in the house, they all get watched; Prime is probably the least used for streaming but the free deliveries more than justify the cost. Also pay for a Spotify Family sub as well.

    I’ll also download/pirate anything I want to watch that’s only on HBO/Hulu/etc.

  28. Currently paying for Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+ with Apple TV free from my mobile phone company. I won’t bother paying for apple when the deal’s up and since I got both Prime and Disney on annual deals Netflix is looking like it might go soon (I’ve already gone down to the cheapest plan) Thinking about Paramount plus when it comes next month instead as I’m a big Star Trek fan

  29. We have Netflix and pay the license fee for the BBC. I suppose we also have Amazon Prime, but that’s more for the delivery than the TV.

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