So a girl I went out with started working out after going on a date with me. With specifically the lower body in mind. She threw some shade at me with the "maybe you'd like my ass if it was bigger". This confused the fuck out of me because I never said anything about her ass ever. Well later she asked me if men check women's bodies out on the first date and I obviously was there like "yeah".

So what I'm getting here is she expected to catch me looking at what she's got going. But she didn't because I'm a master of stealth and I only glimpse where I shouldn't when I know no one will notice. Am I supposed to like stare at her ass for a bit next time we go out or what lol? This isn't a scenario romanctic media prepared me for.

  1. Well, at this point, I feel like if you DID stare at her ass, she would take that negatively too. “Oh he’s staring at my butt thinking about how small it is.”

    Simply put, this is a HER problem. She is very clearly insecure and has body image issues. You did nothing wrong. Honestly, I would back away from this one. A relationship os curtailing to her insecurities is only going to be full of drama and headache.

  2. Just getting my popcorn ready for all the feminists to blame you, and the people in therapy to throw out narcissism and red flag comments.
    But seriously, how’s her butt?

  3. She wants you to look at her butt when she’s being what she considers obvious if you like this girl give her what she wants and I mean like all she’s wants is you to look at her ass more 😂 or you can tell her that you don’t wanna look at her ass I’m like the answer is clear. 👀@🍑

  4. Women who are interested in you Like to catch you checking them out. It makes them feel wanted and sought after.

    Most of the time anyways, there is always an exception to stuff like this.

    Moral of the story, hide less glances on a date until you feel out the women’s comfort with your gaze.

  5. Move on from her ASAP. Nothing you do, or don’t do, will ever be good enough for her. She’s got some issues.

  6. There is an art to “being caught” as well. The same way you look at specific times to avoid being caught, other times you look on purpose so that it’s like “Oopsies, was I looking there,” and get a little flustered.

    That being said, though, this girl sounds like she might need more energy than you’re capable of giving if you’re already stumped on this.

  7. This is a sign of the times to come with this one. It’s ok to be insecure, it’s ok to talk about it but to create drama this way is a red flag. She will continue to move the goal posts anytime she wants to get mad. Block and bail.

  8. Sorry to say this but if she’s definitely insecure. You don’t need someone to look at you sexually when you’re confident in yourself and who you are! If this is how she is now, she will become worse in a relationship. Leave whilst you can, dating insecure people is very draining

  9. If you get bored, start noticing the type of man who dates women with big butts. There is a certain type of man, on average that likes women with big butts. So she is probably used to dating that type of man or at least trying to attract that type of man and its not you. This is a feature on her body she likes and wants attention for. Its not wrong or right, everyone has a type and women love attention. She probably works her butt muscles out a lot and or wears shape wear clothing just to help sculpt it the way she wants it to look. Anyhow, if you like the girl, compliment her butt, put you hand on it when you walk complimenting it.Slap dat ass.

  10. Next time you see when she walks up make it obvious and look her up and down and ask her to do a lil spin and look at her with “lustfull eyes 😍” and tell her “wow you look absolutely stunning and so gorgeous!” Hold her hand while you walk with her, she wants to feel like your attracted to her so if you are make it know man lol

  11. This girl sounds horrendously insecure and will never be satisfied with anything you do. Run.

  12. nothing like maintaining eye contact with the strength of 1000 jedi, while she has vacuum sealed clothes on (and the other women walking by)

  13. I don’t think you’re supposed to fix other people’s insecurities, that’s on them.

  14. Shame on your for not objectifying her! 🙄

    All you have to say is this: my anaconda don’t want none unless you got buns, hun.


  15. Reddit reacts like this is a sign that you’re going to die if you don’t bail immediately.

    Just start engaging with her butt and see what happens. Touch it.

  16. You are not responsible for her insecurities. You did nothing wrong and I think it is great that she is working on herself. Hopefully with time, she will learn to love herself and her body for her, not for men. In the meantime, you keep being respectful by never insulting another person’s body and when you do find yourself in a relationship, be sure to compliment your partner for their inner AND outer qualities. But in this case, you did nothing wrong and do not let someone manipulate you or make you feel guilty for answering your question honestly.

  17. This is hilarious!!
    I’m sorry you’re going through this OP! But it truly is hilarious.

  18. what the hell, dude. just tell her i check you out all the time, you just don’t catch me doin it. push her envelope then – tell her to walk around naked and you’ll stare all day.

  19. On a date you’ve got to “walk the line”. You guys when to a gym so check the environment: everyone goes there trying to look better, it’s the place to do skin-tight, if you’ve got curves I’d argue it’s sexier than going to a beach date. 

    But “the line” you have to walk is SHOWING SEXUAL interest in a confident, casual, noooooot creepy way. 

    You want to be caught looking, give a genuine smile and neck rub (show you’re flustered) as you make eye contact to be like “sorry you distracted me there” 

    THAT WILL BOIL HER BLOOD, in the best way my dude. Show yourself getting flustered and recover confident. You liked what you saw? Tell them. But confidence and eye contact and being the tiniest bit cocky sells that. Too extreme in any direction and you’ll blow it. 

    Yes, women WANT to be seen as attractive, to the person they have allowed to pursue them🤙

  20. “Always tell her she’s beautiful. ESPECIALLY if she’s not.” -Robert Heinlein

  21. Pre-vet a potential partner by observing someone in the real world, then ask them on a date after you believe their personality can work with you.

    Sitting on a first date and realizing they are crazy is a waste of time and money.

  22. If you’re like me – you try really really hard to not act or be seen like a creep. You’re really aware of it.

    But a word of advice – if you’re dating someone, its likely safe to give them positive comments about their body. In fact, they probably want that.

    Be self-aware and aware of how they react, but yeah. I think sometimes I can try so hard to not be ‘creepy’ that I just come across as uninterested.

  23. Just smack her ass and tell her she’s got a nice ass. We’ll see how she reacts to that.

  24. She’s clearly insecure you did nothing wrong. Women have a lot of pressure on us about the way we look and she was looking for validation.

  25. It’s rooted in her own deep insecurities. Whatever you do or not do would never be right in her eyes.

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