I (26F) met this guy (30M) at the club a few months ago. We followed each other on Instagram and been texting on and off, reacting to stories and whatever.

He was visiting at the time and I just reacted to one of his stories. He visits often, but because he doesn’t live here, I had no filter about what I was saying by being annoying and extra flirty and saying sexual innuendos. He reciprocated. While this was happening, I thought about hooking up with him because a part of me wants to lose my virginity but another part of me doesn’t want to do it with a random guy who will probably ghost after sex.

He was saying how he wanted to meet up when he visits again. But I told him I wasn’t the type to sleep around, if that’s what he was looking for. And he said that it was fine and that we could just go out for drinks/coffee and do something. So, he knows I wasn’t looking for hookups but still wanted to meet. Okay, sounds promising…

We still texted on and off, and tried to meet up a few times when we was visiting but missed the chance to. We’ve been kind of getting to know each other through DMs and it came up that I was a virgin. Then he said that he could never take my virginity… I guess our conversation died after that, and he left me on read for a week now.

Honestly, I’m find that he ghosted me now, rather than me hooking up with him and then ghosting. But like, are guys turned off by virgins? Because I thought our conversation was going well up until I said that 🙁 now a part of me just wants to lose my virginity to just say I’ve had sex.

Why is this generation so hard to date in?

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