So I have a friend that I've made it very clear from the beginning that we are just friends no sex, no dating, nothing other then friends. She has tried to seduce me on several occassions and even tho I keep telling her we will never be more then friends she refuses to accept it.

The reasons why I will not date her is simply because I can't have the life I want with her and I don't want to put her thru the heartbreak of dating me just for us to not work out and our friendship over. By the life I want I mean I want kids she can't have them due to being sterilized at a young age, we have none of the same hobbies and in fact she always gets mad when I'm doing my own thing and I don't answer her phone call, we have diffrent moral viewpoints on things and she always tells me I need to change my viewpoint because I'm just boring.

She keeps getting irratated and going off on my GFs and my FWBs and then gets mad at me when i tell her she needs to stop doing that. She calls me crying because she just wants a good guy like me but it's not fair that I keep her in the friendzone. She tells me all the time that she can give me all that I want in life so how come I don't choose her. I point out all the reasons I've listed and she says that it's not fair.

We've never slept together only been friends. I've let her stay at my place before when she was homeless and she would be in my living room naked when I got home from work and get mad at me for not having sex with her. She would try to get in the shower with me and got angry that I wouldn't let her. She would try to get in my bed at night so I would go get a hotel room or sleep in my work truck since it has a bed on it.

I just don't know what to do anymore with her. It's just exhausting on top of everything else I have going on on my life right now. Any advice??

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