First of all, let me tell you that the title is purposely provocative. It may just be my young age (I'm an undergraduate) or maybe it's something about my neurodivergence. But how the hell is it possible that no girl finds me attractive???
I'm not ugly, I may have just a below average face but there are people uglier than me who fuck like rabbits.
I have a lot of hobbies and interests, and a lot of people told me I'm interesting to talk to.
I admit I'm introverted and shy when I meet new people, but I'm really comfortable when talking about deep topics. Either way in these years I've heard girls on average prefer shy guys so I'm going to discard this option too.
I don't have many friends but I'm not mean, I'm only selective about my friendships: it's better to have a few authentic friends than a lot of casual ones.
I've tried tinder, there aren't many people in my area but still I scrolled through every profile in the 160km radius in about a month and still I didn't get a single date (every match ghosted me).

Sorry about this vent. Receiving advice means giving more information and for now I want to keep things as private as possible.
So I don't really know why I'm writing this, maybe it's just because I felt the need to tell someone about this without fearing the social implications.

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