Recently started seeing this girl I met on a dating app (we’re both 21). When we first started talking I was confident she liked me, we would have text conversations until 2am and had good chemistry on the first date. However, lately I’m feeling like I’m getting mixed signals. I’m very shy so I haven’t really made any overt physical contact moves but I’ve been trying to kinda lightly touch her and see how she reacts. On our second date she wasn’t pulling away at all, but now on our third date today it seemed like she was pulling away abt half the time I tried to get close to her. Not certain tho, I’m really bad at reading body language which is why I havent rlly made any moves (not even holding her hand). She also takes a long time to respond to texts when she never used to, even when ik she’s on her phone bc she posts on her story. But she also still texts back (eventually), isn’t dry, texts first, and keeps agreeing to dates (and yes, I am being careful to explicitly call them dates). And on dates conversations seem to flow well and have a somewhat flirty vibe (mutual teasing).

So basically I was wondering if I should just straight up text her “hey do you like me” bc honestly it’s kinda just driving me insane to think about. Or would that be weird and potentially risk giving her the ick lmao.

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