So I have a neighbour that’s been harassing my me for almost a year now, and I thought it would be good to remain quiet and try and get proof but she does it in a cunning manner like by whispering it or saying it quietly when passing by so even the phone struggles to pick it up and idk why I have to face my head down when I’m walking past when she’s the one who’s been doing the wrong thing??

So I think I need to insult her back to get her to shut up now. I usually don’t take insults but this time it’s bad and she likes saying fuck off. Today she decided to call me a black person because I have curly hair and even tho I’m Asian it seems like she likes being racist for no reason? Like r black ppl the only ones with curly hair? No? Is curly hair wrong? No. it’s prettier than her flat head

Anyways so I was wondering how I should insult back, I’m kinda scared tho

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