Hello reddit!

Me (27M) and my girlfriend (31F) have been together for about four and a half years. However, there has been a break in between. It was about a year ago that I was traveling and I broke up with her, mainly because I wanted to continue traveling and she wanted to go for a vacation instead. The break-up was really hard on her but at the time I thought I was doing the right thing by following my heart in what I wanted to do.

It was about two weeks after, and she called me saying that she was diagnosed with cancer in her colon. I really freaked out about it and I kept in touch with her on a frequent basis to check if she was okay and not gonna die. Now the weird thing is that during all this, she kept working her (very intense) job for about 60 hours a week. She also did not tell her friends and family about it with the only exceptions of her brother and one friend.

Both the timing and the fact that she was still working, as well as the fact that she barely told anyone seemed a little bit weird to me. I decided to push my 'weird feelings' aside and to keep checking in with her. Of the few times I checked in with her, she was often either hungover from partying, at a festival, or working. That just doesn't sound like the kind of activities someone with cancer would – or should – commit to. Nevertheless, I was really worried about her wellbeing.

To make things even weirder, she told me she did not do surgery, which according to research is always the go to treatment for colon cancer. Instead, she told me that she was able to fight the cancer with chemo pills alone, which allegedly she only took for 2-3 months, did not suffer any hair loss until she was completely cancer free.

Once I got back to town we ended up getting back together. I straight up asked her if she really had cancer, she got mildly upset and asked if I really think she would lie to me like that. The thing is though, she never went back to the doctors to do a checkup, while it is my understanding that this is always a MUST after beating cancer. She also literally never brought it up which I think is kind of weird too.

We are having a pretty good time, but the doubt about all this just keeps bothering me slightly. Did she lie about all this to keep in touch after we broke up, or did all these uncommon things just really happen as she said they did? There is no way to truly find out..

What do you guys think is likely the truth here? What would you do? We are having a pretty good time together but these doubts just keep haunting me.

TL;DR: After a (temporary) break-up, my girlfriend told me she had cancer. However, she didn't tell her family or friends, she didn't take the common medical procedures and she kept partying and working while under treatment. She didn't ever bring it up either, which feels kind of weird. I feel like there is no way to find out the truth and it is truly bothering me.

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